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Why is choosing the right hair inspiration pictures to show your stylist so important? Well,

imagine getting a hairstyle, cut, or color that you love in theory, but not so much on you. If you

have been in that situation, you know what I am talking about. It doesn't feel good! Not only that,

now you have to figure out a way to fix it or walk around with a hairstyle that doesn't suit you.

Sometimes the pretty styles you like in photos may not look right on you.

Maybe the cut is not suitable for your face shape, the color is wrong for your skin tone, or it’s

just unflattering for one reason or another. Most of the time, we’re going in blind. We don’t know

how our new look is going to turn out until it’s too late.

Switching up your hairstyle is not an easy decision. For some women, it takes guts to do so.

Making big changes to your hair can be a little scary, especially when you’re not sure how it’s

going to look good on you. You could describe what you are looking for to your stylist and hope

it turns out how you want. But that is still not a guarantee. So the best way to convey the look

you’re trying to achieve to your stylist is through hair inspiration pictures. However, you want to

make sure you choose the right hair inspiration picture. How do you do that, you may ask? Keep

reading. This step-by-step guide is going to help you find the best hair inspiration picture.

1. Look For Similarities In The Photos

When gathering photos to take to your stylist, we recommend you pin and screenshot as many

photos as you can first. Then choose any hairstyles, cuts, and colors you like without

overthinking. After you’ve gathered a good collection of images, put them all in the same space,

whether on your Pinterest board or phone gallery, and try to find the similarities in those photos.

The patterns and similarities you notice among the hair inspiration pictures you have saved are

good indicators of the look you want to achieve. The next thing you want to do is narrow it down

a step further. Pick out your top five photos with the most similarities, and take them with you to

your stylist.

2. Compare The Hair Textures

If you are looking for a hairstyle with minimum everyday maintenance, you need to pay attention

to the hair texture on the inspiration photo and compare it to yours. It is human nature to want

what we don't have. So it is common for curly hair girls to find hair inspiration pictures where the

hairstyle works the best with models who have straight hair and the same way around. As a

result, many women end up unsatisfied with their hairstyle. To avoid this situation, what you

want to do first is determine how much energy you want to spend maintaining your hair every

day and if it’s something you’re willing to do. Then, compare the hair texture between you and

the model on your reference pictures. If the hair texture is the same, then go for it. If not, you

might want to reconsider that hairstyle or understand that your hair texture may require more


3. Pay Attention To The Face Shape

Does face shape truly matter? Well if you don't know your face shape, don't worry! We are not

here to school you about face shape and beauty standards. But if you are looking to get a

hairstyle with bangs or other types of layers, your stylist may make some suggestions or

changes according to your face shape. The result may not look similar to the inspiration photo

you brought in. But by altering the style, your stylist wants to give you something that best

compliments your facial features. Something to keep in mind when you are looking for hair

inspiration pictures.

4. Matching The Hair Color With Your Skin Tone

When it comes to skin tones, there are three types: warm, cool, and neutral. If you are looking to

switch things around and try a new color for your hair, you must select an inspiration picture with

colors that match yours. So if you bring a hair inspiration picture with a fair-skinned redhead and

you’re more of an olive-skinned blonde, your stylist might make some variations based on your


You don't know your skin tone? Don't worry! Your stylist can help you with that. Of course, no

one should tell you what to do, but any good stylist would make suggestions and

recommendations based on your skin tone, and how much maintenance you are willing to take

on. Another thing to keep in mind when picking the hair inspiration photo is photoshopping.

Many of the pictures you will find online have been edited and photoshopped. This means the

color could be saturated, which can be difficult for your stylist to match. Ask your stylist and they

will be happy to explain and help you choose what tones would be best for you.

Although choosing the right inspiration photo is rocket science, there is a lot more that goes into

it than just picking hairstyles that seem appealing to you. Following the steps we just discussed

will help you find the hairstyle that will compliment your unique beauty. Also, save you from

suffering hairstyle regrets.

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